Saturday, September 4, 2010

Vegan Etsy

I am trying to get a bit more serious about my Etsy shop. I have been creating new (re purposed) products and have been taking pictures of other products that I want to sell. I have been slow about it, but have been making small steps.

I have been a member of Etsy Veg for about a year now and I love the team! I have met some awesome people and have connected with like minded crafters. I have become a blogger on their site, although I have been delinquent about blogging, and have recently offered to help with other aspects of the team.

I decided that I need to do more. I need to get even more involved in Etsy groups. Not only to promote my shop, but to also meet awesome, compassionate crafters. That is when I stumbled upon the Vegan Etsy team. Everyone on the team is vegan and all products in each Etsy store have to also be vegan- no animal products or bi products including honey, wool, leather, and silk. Me and my store match the description, so I filled out an application AND they accepted me!

Stay tuned to my Etsy shop as I add my creations and my vintage finds!

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