Saturday, October 2, 2010

Bull City Vegan Challenge

It is October and time for the Bull City Vegan Challenge! This is all thanks to Eleni Vlachos and Chef Shirle' Hale-Koslowski. We have all been asking, hoping, pleading, crossing our fingers, etc that a vegetarian restaurant would come to Durham. There are SO many of us here! Our Annual Thanksgiving Feast draws in over 700 people. We also have a monthly vegan brunch which serves over 100 people within the first hour! There are several vegetarian groups that meet regularly to go out to restaurants, have potlucks, demonstrate, and do other forms of activism. Many area restaurants have vegan and veg options on their menu. There are even vegetarian restaurants in most of the surrounding areas like Raleigh, Cary, and Chapel Hill.

As you can see, the need is here.

So, Eleni and Chef Shirle' devised a great plan to bring great vegan food to Durham. Throughout the month of October, 10 restaurants in Durham will have vegan options on their menu. The categories are appetizers, entrees, and desserts. Yes, that is right, vegan desserts. I can hardly contain my excitement!

If your curious about the restaurants and what they will have to offer, visit the BCVC site and check out the competing dishes. Then, go out there and visit as many as you can. When you have tried them all, vote for your favorite in each category! I'll post about some of my favorites so you can see what is out there.

Don't take my word for it, get out there and support veganism, vegetarianism, and Durham!

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