I was recently asked by my friend Julie to make letters for her new home. She wanted something to signify that she and her husband had a new, cruelty-free kitchen. A place where animal products have never touched the counter, refrigerator, dishwasher, cabinets, sink, utensils, plates, etc. This might not sound like a big deal to the majority of the world but, those of us who live a vegan lifestyle because we reject the notion of cruel factory farming practice, think this is a big deal.
I thought of painting cutesie pigs, cows, chickens, and fish, but that didn't seem to go with the style of the new space. After discussion, we came up with an espresso background with a salmon-creme boarder. After seeing the cabinets in the kitchen, I wanted to mirror the finish so that the letters look like they were a planned fixture. I'm not sure I achieved that look with the letters, but Julie was delighted when she saw them and that is good enough for me!
Happy housewarming Julie and Greg, may you have many years of delicious, heart-warming, and cruelty-free meals in your beautiful kitchen!